Pavitra Bhagya is an Indian romantic drama television series produced by Ekta Kapoor. The first episode of the show “Pavitra Bhagya – Jo Bane Ek Duje Ke Liye” aired on 2 March 2020 on Colors TV. Here’s the full list of cast and crew of “Pavitra Bhagya”:
Table of Contents
Aneri Vajani
As: Pranati Bandhopadhyay
Role: Jugnu’s mother
Kunal Jaisingh
As: Reyansh Khurana
Role: Shamsher’s son; Jugnu’s father
Abhishek Verma
As: Archit
Sherrin Varghese
As: Shamsher Khurana
Role: Reyansh’s father
Vibha Chibber
As: Reyansh’s mother
Ajoy Chakraborty
As: Pranati’s father
Ruma Rajni
As: Pranati’s mother
Pratiksha Rai
Role: Pranati’s sister
Vaishnavi Parjapati
As: Jugnu
Role: Pranati and Reyansh’s daughter
Jatin Shah
Role: Pranati’s brother
Yatin Mehta
Role: Reyansh’s brother
Mohit Hiranandani
Role: Reyansh’s brother
Roma Bali
As: Bindiya
Role: Reyansh’s aunt
Divyajyotee Sharma
Role: Archit’s mother
Pavitra Bhagya – Jo Bane Ek Duje Ke Liye Promo: